Brief information of YouTube
YouTube history, events, statisctics
Five years ago in 2005, a site with the domain name was activated on February 14. At that time, no one can image that this site will become the largest video site and the second biggest site in the world.
However, the first video on YouTube was not posted on Februarty 14, 2005. It was posted on April 23, 2005, at 8:27 PM on Saturday, with the title 'Me at the zoo' showing one of the YouTube founder Jawed Karim at San Diego zoo. The video was shot by Yakov Lapitsky and is only 19 seconds long. This video still can be viewed on YouTube. UP to now, this video has been viewed 3,715,026 times and has 23,050 comments. Here is the video -
This video looks common, but it opens a new era to online video. By July 2006, this site had 100 million video views and 65,000 video uploads per day. In October the same year, Google acquired YouTube for $1.65 billion – what fast-moving things they are in the Internet age!
Now you know the first video on YouTube is 'Me at the zoo', by the way, where the second YouTube video ever is?
The second video ever on YouTube is far less famous compare with the first one. It is titled 'My Snowboarding Skillz', also posted on April 23, 2005, and has only 26, 363 views and 314 comments. You can view it below -
Tip: You can use Leawo Free YouTube Downloader to download the above two YouTube videos to your computer hard drive for off-line viewing. Leawo Free YouTube Downloader is a free YouTube video downloader that can download and convert videos from YouTube and other websites. This is its user guide.

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