Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Ubuntu Linus Focuses on Mobile in 2013

As now we know, the mainstream of mobile operating systems include iOS, Android and the controversial windows phone. Previously as the open-source OS for PCs and TVs, the second system for PC, Ubuntu Linus is making its way to the smaller screen according to its parent company Canonical’s announcement.
Ubuntu mobile os
Ubuntu for Android
Designed to coexist with Android on users' multicore smartphones, Ubuntu for Android was announced in early 2012, and provides the full Ubuntu desktop experience when the phone or the tablet is docked with a keyboard and monitor but the rest of the time, the phone runs Android as usual. All data and services are shared between the Ubuntu and Android environments, that is to say, all your apps on your android device is available on Ubuntu.

It gives people the chance to use the android device as both a mobile or a PC and it is obviously more than an app.

Ubuntu for phones
The office website just announced the new totally free open mobile system Ubuntu for phones, which is targeting two core mobile segments, one is the “high-end superphone,” and the other is the entry-level basic smartphone.

Different from Ubuntu for Android, Ubuntu for phones aims to offer the friendlier UI featuring the use of thumb gestures from all four edges of the screen, and application choosing both voice and text commands .Also, the software can support native and Web or HTML5 apps and the apps can run independently without the browser just tapping the special icon. Besides, ARM and x86 processors are both available on the new interface.

Ubuntu Smartphones
As Canonical announced the Ubuntu phone OS, it also announced that its plans to deliver Ubuntu-powered smartphones in late 2013. The details are not unveiled, but you can experience the similar UI using the software Ubuntu for Android.

The point of Ubuntu for mobile is when the phone or tablet is connected to a display and a mouse, you can get a complete desktop computing experience but will also get a limited mobile operating system on the go. It is a very creative conception but it seems that the operating system market is kind of crowded. Will it be a winner in 2013 in face of the strong Android?

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