Friday, April 13, 2012

A Dramatic Surprise on A Quiet Square—Daily Life Drama Video Free Download for Entertainment

Are you looking for excitements or something new in dull daily life? What will you do if you see a drama button in the middle of the street? Will you be tempted to press it and wait to see what is bound to happen?

"A Dramatic Surprise on A Quiet Square" video goes viral on April 11 showing you a life drama. In celebration of the launch of the high quality TV channel TNT in Belgium, TNT placed a big red push button on a street with a sign reading "Push to add drama" pointing to the button.

People walked by are all curious about the button but seldom people have the courage to press it. A biker is the first to push the button, and then a dramatic scene starts: an ambulance sped on the scene and hauled out a man on a stretcher, the man falls of the stretcher and again as the ambulance begins to drive away just before another biker is hit by the ambulance door and proceeds to get into a physical altercation with the driver. The rest of the life drama is there for you to have a look. Download A Dramatic Surprise on A Quiet Square video via the guide and share your feelings with me.
Watch the video below and have fun!

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