Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Funniest and Maybe the Best Own Goal in Football matches in the world this year

Football matches are very popular around the world. Most football fanciers would stay night just for a football live show, especially during FIFA World Cup period. And during the football match, it is in fact not very common to see an Own Goal. Yes, Own Goal, that is what I would like to share with you today. This Own Goal by Festus Baise in the BMA First Division League held at Mongkok Stadium on 16 December, 2011 in Hong Kong might be the funniest and best Own Goal in football matches in the world of this year. Citizen defeated Sunray Cave JC Sun Hei by 3:2 of this match, during which Citizen defender Festus Baise scored his own net with a unbelievable reverse scorpion kick. Check the following video to watch the unbelievable Own Goal scorpion kick:

Find this scorpion kick really unbelievable and funny? You can free download this video to your own devices to share on your own blog or upload to your own sites for fun with Free YouTube Downloader or YouTube Downloader for Mac on Mac computers.

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How to convert YouTube video to Windows Movie Maker

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