Monday, December 20, 2010

YouTube Announces Opt-In Customized New Homepage

YouTube is going to change its homepage and asking users to try it. The new homepage features personal customization and now is in the experimental phase.
New features in the new homepage including: a personal combined list of subscription, friend activity, and recommendations; extended video lists for your subscribed channels in which you can see all new uploaded videos instead of just the latest video; graying out of already-watched videos; recent likes and favorites; and close (X) button that you can click to remove anything from the homepage.

Now open and you will see a button saying "Try a different homepage", click the button if you want to experiment the new features for the homepage. It's an opt-in experiment, so just close the button if you don't want to try the new design.

Below is the original news written by John Fisher publishd on YouTube Official blog:

Starting today, you might notice a button on asking if you want to check out an experimental homepage we've been working on. It's an opt-in experiment, offering a homepage that has a real emphasis on a personalized video browsing and watching experience.

Some of the enhancements include:
  • Combined list - Merges your subscriptions, friend activity, and recommendations into one easier-to-scan list (and a "Subscription uploads" tab if you only want to see subscriptions)
  • Don't miss a video - If a channel uploads 4 videos in a day, you'll see all 4 - instead of just the latest video
  • Delete anything - Hover over any video you don't want to watch and click 'x'
  • Or just grey it out - Videos you've already watched will be grayed out - so even without deleting, you'll know where you left off
  • Help me re-find stuff I just watched - Your homepage will include your recent likes and favorites so you can easily get back to them
  • Easy inbox - Links to your inbox (personal messages & comments) are front and center
  • Load much more - Watch older videos - all without leaving the homepage
You can see where these features are located by clicking the thumbnail of the page below:

YouTube New HomePage
To give it a try, just click this link. You can always revert back to the classic homepage by clicking on the "Back to classic homepage" link that you'll see when you're on the new homepage. We're hoping to learn what works best for the YouTube community, and explore ways to make you feel right at home. Please tell us what you think through this feedback form.

Off topic: YouTube users can use Leawo Free YouTube Downloader to download Flash videos from YouTube and any other websites. It is free.

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